Every watchmaker has their fans and haters, but perfect replica Omega seem close to having universal adoration. They have something for everyone without compromising their brand identity, which has remained consistent for as long as fake wristwatches online have been a thing. They’re a pillar of Swiss watchmaking, a gem of the Swatch Group, and we expect greatness from them in every release.

In all honesty, 2023 hasn’t seen luxury replica Omega do anything too crazy akin to collaborating with Swatch, but they’ve expanded on their most loved collections in fun and interesting ways, while also introducing a fun new tech piece for the future.

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the aaa quality replica Omega Seamaster, it wasn’t enough to just release one, two or even three new watches. Swiss movement fake Omega doubled down, rendering every kind of watch in the entire Omega Seamaster super clone for sale in a new Summer Blue gradient colour. That’s 8 watches, and 11 references if you include the new strap alternatives. The effect is slightly different across each watch, but they all range from a pastel blue in the centre to a deep navy around the perimeter. It helps to highlight each watch’s unique texture, from the wave dial of the cheap fake Omega Diver 300M, to the vertical brushing of the Planet Ocean, to the stormy seas of the Ultra Deep.